MMA Gloves
Made of high quality synthetic leather with inside cotton material lining, stitched lucidly with high quality durable threads , with black piping for reinforcement, special design fits well with hands and firm grip around fingers . to prevent accidental eye pokes. Increased padding in the amateur gloves compared to the typical professional model lowers incidence of lacerations IMMAF Approved.
Shin Guards
Grappling style Hybrid Shin guards with neoprene backing have been adopted for IMMAF rather than Muay Thai style to prevent them from coming off during tussles on the ground. Changes in design have included in the material, from an embossed plastic and fabric combination to full neoprene IMMAF Approved.
Rash Guard and Shorts
The Rash guard and Shorts is Made of Top Quality Lycra elasticated material, with elegant Simulated Authentic Green Hill Design, , IMMAF Approved.